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We will continue using the ConnectEd Math series this year. It is aligned with the Illinois State Learning Standards and offers different appraoches to solving math equations and story problems. There is also a focus on writing about math that enables students to think about how they solve various problems and advance their thinking in this way. This year we will spend a lot of time on addition and subtraction with regrouping, so fact fluency is very important and I encourage all to work on their basic facts at home. We will aslo learn to tell time to the five-minute interval, measure objects using customary and metric lengths, count money, collect and anaylzye data and reinforce place-value understanding. It is amazing to see second graders grow as they progress through math!


Fact Fluency Letter to Parents


Opportunities for Math Practice


IXL Math

IXL is a web-based program provided through the district. It offers a comprehensive math review with an unlimited number of math practice questions in hundreds of skills. In addition to making math practice exciting, IXL is designed to help the student learn at his or her own pace. This program also allows me to assign certain content or areas in which your child might need the most support. I would suggest spending 10-15 minutes 3 to 4 times a week on this site to reinforce some key math skills. I believe that this will really help your student establish the solid foundation in math facts and skills that he needs to succeed in our classroom and in future grade levels.


You can access the website by going to the following link.


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